Saturday, December 10, 2016

Episode 6 "Check Points"

Observation Report 

Teachers' Objective:  

                   a. Differentiate Speed and Velocity

                   b. Solving speed and velocity

Describe the Strategies:

                    The strategy used by the teacher to achieve the objectives was inquiry method. It allows students to think critically and use their prior knowledge on the topic. The strategy was suited well on the students since they all learned on the lesson.

Describe the Assessment Tool Used:

                      The assessment tool used was a formative assessment, specifically a quiz after they finished there lesson. The quiz was to measure the students learning on their topic. Other assessment tool used was question and answer for the students to participate in class, problem sets/exercises for the students to master in solving about the topic.

(write down the teacher’s learning objectives)

(describe the strategies used by the teacher)
(describe the assessment method/s & tool/s used)
(write your personal judgment on the objectives, strategies, and assessment

  • Differentiate Speed and Velocity

  • Solving for Speed and Velocity

  • Inquiry method was used by the teacher. The strategy was suited well on the students since they all learned on the lesson.

    • Inquiry method was used by the teacher. The strategy was suited well on the students since they all learned on the lesson. The teacher gives an example and shows how to solve it then let her students solve for the next examples given.
    Question and answer was the assessment used by the teacher. The teacher asked questions about the topic and the students will answer.

    The assessment tool used to enhance the mastery of the students in solving problems, she gave them problem sets/exercises.

    For the overall assessment tool that was used. the teacher gave her students a formative assessment to measure the learning of the students on their topic.
    • The objectives formulated was SMART. The strategy and assessment tool used by the teacher was very appropriate on the topic she discussed. Even though she uses the same strategy and assessment tool the teaching style she used in every section was different from the other.


    1. Why do teachers need to align the objectives, strategies, and assessment?

    Objectives, strategies and assessment should be aligned to assure the we are still on the right track in teaching the students.It will also be easier for the teacher to teach the lesson and no time and effort will be wasted if all these three were aligned. 

    2. How should teachers align their objectives, strategies, and assessment? Suggest some strategies.

    Objectives, strategies and assessment should be planned together. Planning is one of the best strategy so that these three would align. Objectives must be SMART so it is easier to plan or think for the strategy to be used inside the classroom. If these objectives was achieved through the strategy you used it is more easy to find a right assessment tool to be used. 


    The most meaningful experience in this episode is that I :earn that there is no best strategy in teaching a lesson.  It also open us on how to apply the theories and principles in the field. These experiences helps us in becoming a future teacher by exposing ourselves more to the real world of teaching profession. It is not easy being a teacher because all the things you don't do while still studying will be one of your challenges when you are in the field. Being a effective teacher must have all the qualities from your personality down to your passion and eagerness to teach. The bond you will create with your students is priceless plus the knowledge you give to them will your greatest achievement.

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