Saturday, December 10, 2016

Episode 1 "Thermometer Check"

Observation on Interaction

Student-to-Student Interaction Patterns:

Interaction between the students inside the classroom is more observable than any other interaction, since most of the time they were the ones who frequently see and talk to each other. Students interact with their seatmates by talking even if there was a teacher in front. Some of the interaction were helping one another especially when the teacher called them to answer a question.

Student-to-Teacher Interaction Patterns:

It is natural to a Filipino child to be polite in front of elders especially to their teachers. Students  were very kind and polite to their teachers, giving greeting inside and outside of the classroom. Students were also very active during the class discussion because they raised their hands when they know or they have an idea on what the teacher is asking. Even though some of the students have a wrong idea at-least  they expressed their ideas to the teacher.

Teacher-to-Student Interaction Patterns:

Interaction between the teacher and students is very important in the curriculum.The teacher was their to correct all the misconception of the students of a certain topic. She was also the one who will give an assessment of her students. The teacher always motivates her students and gave them some lessons that they can use in real world even though it is out of the topic they discussed.

Student-to-Non-Teaching Personnel Interaction Patterns:

Students always shows their respect to the non-teaching personnel of the school like they are teachers.

Teacher-to-Teacher Interaction Patterns:

Teachers interaction between their colleague is also one of the most important element in the curriculum since they are the ones who implements it. All teacher must be in good terms with all other teachers in the school. The teacher always giving a nod or a smile when she encounter with another teacher, they even talked to each other. The most important part of this interaction is that they still follows the work of ethics. 


1. Why is a classroom a miniature of a greater society?

The classroom represents a greater society because it is composed of different kinds of people that the society had. The teacher represents the leader of the society while the students represents the citizens. The teacher will set some rules to be agreed and followed by the students. All of them will work hard as one society to achieve their common goal.

2. What are found in the classrooms that are to similar to what can be observed in society?

Any human interaction that you can observed in the society can also be seen inside the classroom.Society had different kinds of people as well as the classroom, there were the bossy type, the bully, the introvert, the loud and all other attitudes can be observed in the classroom.


Inside and outside the classroom, we can see or observed the different interaction that usually happened also in the society. We can encounter different kinds of people with different attitudes and as a future teacher we always need to interact with these kinds of people so that we will know he to handle them in the future.

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