Saturday, December 10, 2016

Episode 6 "Check Points"

Observation Report 

Teachers' Objective:  

                   a. Differentiate Speed and Velocity

                   b. Solving speed and velocity

Describe the Strategies:

                    The strategy used by the teacher to achieve the objectives was inquiry method. It allows students to think critically and use their prior knowledge on the topic. The strategy was suited well on the students since they all learned on the lesson.

Describe the Assessment Tool Used:

                      The assessment tool used was a formative assessment, specifically a quiz after they finished there lesson. The quiz was to measure the students learning on their topic. Other assessment tool used was question and answer for the students to participate in class, problem sets/exercises for the students to master in solving about the topic.

(write down the teacher’s learning objectives)

(describe the strategies used by the teacher)
(describe the assessment method/s & tool/s used)
(write your personal judgment on the objectives, strategies, and assessment

  • Differentiate Speed and Velocity

  • Solving for Speed and Velocity

  • Inquiry method was used by the teacher. The strategy was suited well on the students since they all learned on the lesson.

    • Inquiry method was used by the teacher. The strategy was suited well on the students since they all learned on the lesson. The teacher gives an example and shows how to solve it then let her students solve for the next examples given.
    Question and answer was the assessment used by the teacher. The teacher asked questions about the topic and the students will answer.

    The assessment tool used to enhance the mastery of the students in solving problems, she gave them problem sets/exercises.

    For the overall assessment tool that was used. the teacher gave her students a formative assessment to measure the learning of the students on their topic.
    • The objectives formulated was SMART. The strategy and assessment tool used by the teacher was very appropriate on the topic she discussed. Even though she uses the same strategy and assessment tool the teaching style she used in every section was different from the other.


    1. Why do teachers need to align the objectives, strategies, and assessment?

    Objectives, strategies and assessment should be aligned to assure the we are still on the right track in teaching the students.It will also be easier for the teacher to teach the lesson and no time and effort will be wasted if all these three were aligned. 

    2. How should teachers align their objectives, strategies, and assessment? Suggest some strategies.

    Objectives, strategies and assessment should be planned together. Planning is one of the best strategy so that these three would align. Objectives must be SMART so it is easier to plan or think for the strategy to be used inside the classroom. If these objectives was achieved through the strategy you used it is more easy to find a right assessment tool to be used. 


    The most meaningful experience in this episode is that I :earn that there is no best strategy in teaching a lesson.  It also open us on how to apply the theories and principles in the field. These experiences helps us in becoming a future teacher by exposing ourselves more to the real world of teaching profession. It is not easy being a teacher because all the things you don't do while still studying will be one of your challenges when you are in the field. Being a effective teacher must have all the qualities from your personality down to your passion and eagerness to teach. The bond you will create with your students is priceless plus the knowledge you give to them will your greatest achievement.

    Episode 5 "Collect and Critique"

    Analysis Report

    My Analysis Report
    (analysis of the Topic, Learning Activities, and Assessment used in relation to curriculum elements)

    Date of Observation: November 28, December 2, 2016 
    Subject observed: Science/Physics

    The Topic
    Learning of activities
    Assessment of learning

    •  Speed and Velocity
    •  The teacher discusses the lesson and gave various example to the students.
    • Students participating in class discussion.
    •  Question and Answer
    • Board works
    • Problem Exercises
    • Formative Assessment

     Interview Report

    My Interview Report
    (analysis of the Topic, Learning Activities, and Assessment used in relation to curriculum elements)

    Name of Teacher Interviewed: Dareen Corpuz
    Grade/Year Level & Section of Class Handled:  Grade 7- Matulungin, Magiting,                                                                                                                         Maalahanin
    School: Iligan City East National High School
    Date of Interview: December 2, 2016
    Interviewer: Dave D. Cubero

    Resources Needed
    Planning Strategies
             The Learner’s Material given by the DepEd

               Other references for the topic

    •            The teacher modified on what is on the material given so that her students can easily understand the topic.

              Attention of the students towards the topic.
               Visual aids that can caught the students attention
    •            Utilizing an alternative visual aids for the student’s maximum participation in class.

           Students’ different level of cognitive ability.
            More resources that can be easily understood
    •          The teacher differs her teaching style in each of the section she teaches. Same topic but different style on how to teach the students.

    For the assessment strategies used, the teacher uses different kind of assessment strategies especially she handled different section from higher to  lower section. Each assessment strategy was appropriate to the students and to the topic.


    1. How important is it for teachers and curriculum planners to anchor their curricular plans to specific theories and principles of curriculum development?

    Theories and principles of curriculum development is serves as the basis on what and how to teach the students. It will give the teachers an idea on what and how to plan, design and implement a curriculum. These theories and principles will make the curriculum more successful especially in implementation.

    2. Aside from the teachers, who else should be involved in the curriculum planning? Expound your thoughts.

    The teachers were not only the one who will involve in curriculum planning, all stakeholders in the curriculum must be involved in planning. Each stakeholder has an essential part in planning the curriculum in order that the curriculum will be useful and not be put into waste. Learners as one of the stakeholders must be involve so that all their needs and concerns will be addressed.


    In planning a curriculum all aspects of the learners, the learning environment and other elements should be considered. All stakeholders must be involved in planning the curriculum in order for them to address all their concerns about the curriculum.

     In the case of the new curriculum, teachers saw many lapses in it but teachers must be innovative enough for them to modify or change what was given to them. There is no perfect curriculum, all we can do is to do what is fit for the students need. We are the one who will adjust, the curriculum will adjust for us.

    Episode 4 "Bridging Educational Process"

    Observation Report

    Calendar of Activities


    1.How important is involvement of all stakeholders of the school in the school’s programs and activities?

    The involvement of students, teachers, parents, curriculum managers, community members and other stakeholders in school's program and activities is a big help in making the activities and programs successful. When parents and community members involve in the activity all support from manpower to financial well be easier for the part of the school. 

    Teachers serves as the facilitators of the activities and programs, they will be the one who will organized the activities to be participated by the students.

    2. What specific principle of curriculum development justifies the importance of cooperation and collaboration among all stakeholders of the school?

    The school cannot function solely as a single entity without the help of and support of the people around it. A harmonious relationship between stakeholders create a unity and camaraderie to achieve the mission, vision and the goals of the school. 

    Stakeholders need to understand and participate in all of the school activities so that they know what are the strength and weaknesses of the school or other stakeholders. The participation of the stakeholders in the school's activity and programs can help them on what to improve on the curriculum based on the needs of the students and also the availability of the resources.


    Cooperation and collaboration of stakeholders fosters learning. Each of the stakeholders in the curriculum help each other on order to achieve a common goal. The interaction between stakeholders gives a big impact for a successful curriculum, these cooperation can develop firmer their own self identification. Each stakeholders will realize that the curriculum will not function well if there's one missing stakeholder. There is no perfect curriculum but with the help of each other, hand in hand we can come up with better ideas for the betterment of the school.

    Episode 3 "Tell Me"

    Observation Report

    The learning environment
    Subject matter/s covered
    Library and/or internet resources
    The classroom is clean but not well lighted and ventilated. Some of the armchairs don't have arms.
    It has different posters posted on the bulletin board.


    1. Why should teachers know about curriculum design?

    The primary role of the teacher is curriculum planner, designer and implementer. He/she plan, design and implement a curriculum by making some lesson plans, unit plans and even yearly plans. The teacher prepares all the necessary activities to be done in the classroom.

    Teacher should know about curriculum design because the teacher has a knowledge on what a curriculum must contain or covers.  They also knows the needs of the learners and especially they know the problems and concerns of the curriculum since they are the ones who are in the field.  

    2.What do most principles and theories of curriculum development have in common? How is this commonality expressed or spelled out in the curriculum of the class you have observed?

    Most principles and theories of curriculum development contains common aspects in the welfare of the different stakeholders in curriculum especially the learners.  This commonality was expressed in the class through the effort of the teacher to teach her students, to inculcate them the knowledge and test their learning through exercises and quizzes she made. The teacher also make sure that she teaches the students within the standards of the new curriculum.


    In learning, students need  a conducive learning environment and enough materials or resources for them to learn better. 
    Teaching is not an easy job, you have to do so many things and carrying a huge responsibility on your shoulders. Being an effective teacher is very hard to achieved but with the help with the students who motivates us to teach more can make us an effective teacher. Teachers on the other hand is not only making the students learn but also they also make "how the students will learn".

    Episode 2 "Come Let's Talk"

    Observation Report

    During class discussions, the teacher always corrects the errors of the students. She also gave some exercises to the students to enrich their knowledge on the topic they've discussed.  


    The teacher discusses about the topic speed and velocity. She started her class by checking the attendance of the students and having some review of their past lesson. As they go along the discussion the teacher asked on what's the difference between speed and velocity. She called some students to answer the question but they were not able to answer it. Instead of being disappointed the teacher  tells the right answer to her students. The teacher show her students on how to solve the problem step by step. The teacher then gave the students a sample problems for the students to solve then let their students answered it on the board. 

    Personal Reflection on the Situation

    Based on the situation we can infer that the teacher really wants her students to learn. She was their to guide her students in every possible way so that they can learn from her.


    1. How important are dialogue and substantive conversation in the classroom in terms of students’ learning?

    Dialogue and substantive conversation in the classroom is very important since it is the way the teacher will know how to addressed the students needs. It is also the way the students need to express their self like clarifying and asking some questions to their teachers regarding the topic. In a dialogue, the teacher should always makes her discussion fun and exciting in that way, the students will be interested not only about the topic but also in making conversation about the topic with the teacher and their classmates.

    Dialogue can make the discussion more interactive but the teacher will make sure to control the allotted time for the discussion. Conversation in the classroom will also make the bond of the teacher and students stronger.

    2.What learning benefits could teachers and students draw from intentional classroom dialogue?

    The dialogue will greatly benefits both teacher and students especially in their interpersonal and communication skills. It will develop their thought process and their confidence in conversing to other people. It will also improves their listening skills and their attention especially during discussions. 


    Dialogue is very important in a classroom because it can benefit both teachers and students. It is also very important in curriculum design because teachers are one of the curriculum makers, in this they can freely express their ideas to each other on how to improve the curriculum.